
"My mobile phone has just died on me.

Would you by any chance have an older unlocked spare model in working order or know of anyone who has? I would be most grateful if I could borrow one from someone until I research in a new phone for me. If you don’t, would you mind kindly circulating this message to the group?"

Many thanks.


Dear All

Thank you so much for your kindness and support and for coming to my rescue.

K- I collected the phone from your house later than I had anticipated as I had to work late. Thank you again for organising everything.

I had a rather busy day and just picked up my email messages. The support from the Skills Exchange and the offers of a spare phone have been awesome. I have received 7 offers so far!

What a great feeling of community/family we share. I feel very blessed to have been put in touch with the scheme, for I know that whatever the problem there will always be a kind and generous person willing to assist. This reassurance of support is priceless and I am very pleased to be part of it.
I am looking forward to trying the phone tomorrow.
Many blessings.

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