
Spring is in the air

We had the first group gardening session of the year last Sunday. Trish, Jan and I went and helped Flora with some clearing away and weeding and I replaced some broken greenhouse glass. It rained earlier in the day but we managed to catch a dry couple of hours. The great thing about group sessions is that everyone motivates each other and you can really see a difference at the same time as having fun.
This Saturday Bridget, Jenny, Diane, Olive, Jan and Flora are all coming to help me with tidying up, emptying the composter and planting.

I would like to really get the gems flowing again. Things have been a bit dormant over the winter - However spring is just around the corner and everyones spirits are lifting with the glimmer of good weather. Crocuses, snowdrops and daffodils are all coming out and the birds seem a bit livelier too.

How about if we all think of a wish or something that we would like help with  and then see if we can get that wish off the ground with help from one of the many talented helpful people on the skills exchange. There is a whole host of skills on the shared document for ideas.

After my gardening extravaganza on Saturday 14th March, I will be needing to earn gems 
 so if anyone would like help with clearing rubbish to the tip, cleaning, decorating or even making a glass dish to put an easter gift on then please let me know. I also love getting involved in any group activity.
I know many of you still struggle with group emails so if you need any help, please contact me.
Thanks and Best Wishes

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