
After a true team effort we finally managed to get our waterpump to work again!

Underneath our patio is a very large, beautifully built victorian sump that takes all the rainwater from our roofs and stores it there. When we first bought the house I nearly fell into it but then made it safe, covered it up and put an old fashioned pump on it. Over the last years we used to water to water the garden and fill the pond. Then last year, the pump stopped working and I did not manage to mend it by myself. I suspected that the seal had gone, so I asked Joe to have a look at it, he replaced the seals but came to a blank as it still did not want to work, followed by help from my father who needed a new nut and bolt (which we received from Lawrence) after a lot of tinkering and nearly working he had to give up. Then today... on his bike Lawrence came and although he had never seen a pump like this before, managed to improve an the work of Joe and my father and sort it! Long story, great result.
Thank you to Joe, Dad and Lawrence for making sure we always have water (although it does not seem to necessary at the moment after weeks of rain) when the well is dry we know the worth of water!

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