
When I arrived at the allotments this week I was faced with a total disaster...

Hundreds of my tomato plants were starting to show signs of blight. The weather has been perfect for it and once again this year after many hours of sowing, potting up, transplanting and caring for my tomatoes they did not manage to get close to being ripe.

I spent the day pulling up 2 wheelie bins of them, picking up the fruits for those in the group who like green tomato chutney... Thank goodness there were many of you so all the hard work had not all been in vain! I hope you will enjoy the chutney well into the winter months to remind you of glorious summer days full of Gem swapping activity!

After that day I was shattered but the bread still needed to be made. This is where Joe our local baker came in. He very kindly made me two perfect loaves and in exchange he had a crate of his favourite green tomatoes.... Thanks Joe for taking the pressure off and the bread was delicious, well worth for others to know.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The green tomatoes (plus some onions) that I exchanged with Karina for a Gem have proved to be the start of a new skill learning process. Chutney making is now one of the new talents(?) that I am working on - So many thanks indeed for the chance Karina.